What a simulator strives for is complete realism. There are many details, big and small, that can make or break a simulator. The more realistic it feels, the more accomplished a simulator is. Live For Speed is a simulator that strives for full realism; however the team of developers is small and they haven't had enough time to pay attention to some details. So Kegetys has done this for them. As a small mod developer he came up with a new smoke texture. This is because LFS's smoke texture were sometimes small and barely visible. With the SmokeMod not only the smoke can last more than it previously did, but also the size of it can be configured. Obviously, there is a performance issue at play here. If you set the smoke to be bigger and longer, and depending on how much cars you have on the track, the performance of your PC can get choppy. In any case, this small mod allows for more detail in an already great simulator game. It is recommendable for all LFS players; however, be aware of the license you have, as this only works with S2.